Honoring your appetite has to be a key priority. Always. Haven't you ever wondered how those little people we raise have so much energy and some days just do NOT eat. And then other days they have had three huge meals before lunch? We are born with the ability to recognize hunger and should view our hunger as a means of self-care. I hear and talk to women everyday who are following strict diet plans and the easy concept of listening to your body and eating when you're hungry is completely ignored. It becomes this strict list of what you can and can not have and when you can and can not eat. It makes hunger look like the bad guy. Hunger really is your body telling you it's time to replenish your energy sources. The only time I personally would be OK to not refuel is right before bed time. If you feel hungry DO NOT start snacking because you're going to be sleeping which will make your metabolism drop. You will wake up and be ready for breakfast which is the MOST important meal of the day! Take home point: Hunger is a gift, respect it and honor your appetite.
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The New You: Seek Satisfaction
If listening to your body seems too difficult when compared to restriction, or rule following; such as limiting calories, or food groups all together (like no carbs, no dairy, etc.) then just work towards finding your satisfaction. We all know how irritated and "hangry" we feel when we don't eat enough and it also doesn't feel good when we over indulge and end up in a sleepy coma. The key is to find the satisfying balance between your mind and your belly. Some actually encourage following cravings to the point of eating dessert for dinner because you are going to get the point of feeling so unhealthy that you will desire more substantial healthy meals. Did you know that avoiding foods you crave interferes with weight and appetite control? An eating behaviors report published in January of 2012 found this to be true. I don't want to belabor previous points made in this series but if you understand you can eat a cupcake, or donut anytime and it's not a "bad" food you will decide that that is OR is not what you want. You will find yourself just walking past the sweets and treats in the break room if they do not meet your "satisfaction" standards. Food is meant to nourish our body and full fat dairy is the type of yogurt I eat. I eat what I want when I want to and have a good relationship with my body and mind. It's time for the 'New You'! Start by 'Seeking Satisfaction' and remember there are no "bad foods". #cleaneats #livewell #livewellgr #empowerwomem #intuitiveeating #satisfied #instadaily #foodie #foodstagram #foodlover #food #foodblogger #foodies
Adopt Health & Happiness
Intuitive eating requires you to become more attuned to your body. The word "intuition" means "to contemplate" or "look inside." By listening to your bodies hunger and fullness cues, you can develop a healthy relationship with food. Especially when you get to eat whatever you want.
When you truly have learned that you can eat what you desire whenever, you will start to question your food and snack choices. Understanding that you can have indulgences whenever you want takes away the pressured mind set behind eating. You can logically decide what you want to eat and learn from past experiences how certain foods make you feel. You will find as I have that eating healthy makes you feel good and you can eat junk whenever.
I want to help more women 'gain health and happiness' and stop the cycle of dietary restriction and overeating. I want to empower women to find their own innate ability to give their body what it physically and emotionally needs.
If I got paid a dollar for every woman who asked for a pill to help her lose weight I would be a billionaire. The myth when I share intuitive eating with my patients is that because you can eat whatever you crave you will consume only greasy fast food and the entire candy & bakery aisles at meijer. But we know that this isn't true. You will start experiencing, enjoying and tasting food for the first time in a long time. It will be a healing experience. The foods that you were craving become no big deal. There will be no more guilt and sabotage. Only enjoyable
Conquer Disordered Eating
Learn to 'eat what is satisfying' and allow yourself the time to 'feel full'. Do this by 'challenging the food police' AKA the voices in your mind or the voices of others telling you what you should or shouldn't eat. By doing so you will rid the guilt that we women so commonly associate with food. What if a donut is really just a donut. Eat it or don't and be done with it already. 'Rejecting diet mentality' is a must and by learning to 'honor your hunger' you will learn naturally how to 'cope without food'. By trusting your body you will sustain a healthy lifestyle of which weight control is a natural result and you will be 'respecting your body'. Once you get into this cycle of following 'healthy food choices' you will be able to 'exercise and find enjoyment in it' because it's not about burning a certain number of calories. It's about enjoyment! If you can learn to follow these guidelines your mind will stop sabotaging your food choices and you will 'make peace with food'.
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