Learn to 'eat what is satisfying' and allow yourself the time to 'feel full'. Do this by 'challenging the food police' AKA the voices in your mind or the voices of others telling you what you should or shouldn't eat. By doing so you will rid the guilt that we women so commonly associate with food. What if a donut is really just a donut. Eat it or don't and be done with it already. 'Rejecting diet mentality' is a must and by learning to 'honor your hunger' you will learn naturally how to 'cope without food'. By trusting your body you will sustain a healthy lifestyle of which weight control is a natural result and you will be 'respecting your body'. Once you get into this cycle of following 'healthy food choices' you will be able to 'exercise and find enjoyment in it' because it's not about burning a certain number of calories. It's about enjoyment! If you can learn to follow these guidelines your mind will stop sabotaging your food choices and you will 'make peace with food'.
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