Learn to 'eat what is satisfying' and allow yourself the time to 'feel full'. Do this by 'challenging the food police' AKA the voices in your mind or the voices of others telling you what you should or shouldn't eat. By doing so you will rid the guilt that we women so commonly associate with food. What if a donut is really just a donut. Eat it or don't and be done with it already. 'Rejecting diet mentality' is a must and by learning to 'honor your hunger' you will learn naturally how to 'cope without food'. By trusting your body you will sustain a healthy lifestyle of which weight control is a natural result and you will be 'respecting your body'. Once you get into this cycle of following 'healthy food choices' you will be able to 'exercise and find enjoyment in it' because it's not about burning a certain number of calories. It's about enjoyment! If you can learn to follow these guidelines your mind will stop sabotaging your food choices and you will 'make peace with food'.
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Intuitive Eating 101
Please follow along as I share a series on intuitive eating. I get the privilege of caring for women of all ages and through all stages of life including pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause and menopause. I have a huge passion for healthy living and healthy eating. I see a need and a strong pattern of disordered eating among women through all stages of life and its something that we really don't talk enough about. As much as I enjoy counseling patients in the office, a 15 minute appointment is never enough to unravel all of the problems that encompass our world of dieting. Maybe you've brought up symptoms to your doctor and felt pushed aside. To help address my inability to meet patients needs in the office I've decided to come at it this way. Around 6pm every night for the next week or so I'll be posting some good vibes about eating well, living well and ways to stop that guilt that surrounds the decisions behind what to eat.
Let's get started!
According to NEDA (National Eating Disorders Association) ‘between 40-50% of women are dieting at any given time’ and get this… 95% of them will regain all the lost weight (or more) within five years. This begs us to admit that not only does dieting not work for the long term but IT MAKES THINGS WORSE! Evelyn Tribole, a fellow registered dietitian & author of ‘Intuitive eating : A Revolutionary Program That Works’ calls it out like it is and is totally on point. She states that eating intuitively means trusting your body, which won’t cue you to ever eat too much or too little. By trusting your body her theory shows that we will end up desiring appropriate amounts of specifically healthy food and exercising because it feels good vs. simply for calorie burning. Can it really be that simple? YES! IT IS! I am there and I am helping others get there too and it has been one of the most rewarding journeys of my life.
Follow along @livewellgr on insta and on Facebook for more...