Remember to eat every 3-5 hours and check in regularly with yourself. To honor our hunger we have to be aware and prepared. Poor food choices come about when whatever is quickly available trumps what we put in our mouth because we have ignored our hunger all day. There is a difference between the nice reminder hungry and "HANGRY" which is most definitely the really uncomfortable hunger that will most likely lead to regret. Our mind and body are created to eat regularly and I typically recommend checking in at least every 3-5 hours. I also don't recommend skipping carbohydrates, leaving out food groups to avoid calories because carbohydrates are necessary for clear thinking and happiness (at least I think so! #ilovebread)
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Conquer Disordered Eating
Learn to 'eat what is satisfying' and allow yourself the time to 'feel full'. Do this by 'challenging the food police' AKA the voices in your mind or the voices of others telling you what you should or shouldn't eat. By doing so you will rid the guilt that we women so commonly associate with food. What if a donut is really just a donut. Eat it or don't and be done with it already. 'Rejecting diet mentality' is a must and by learning to 'honor your hunger' you will learn naturally how to 'cope without food'. By trusting your body you will sustain a healthy lifestyle of which weight control is a natural result and you will be 'respecting your body'. Once you get into this cycle of following 'healthy food choices' you will be able to 'exercise and find enjoyment in it' because it's not about burning a certain number of calories. It's about enjoyment! If you can learn to follow these guidelines your mind will stop sabotaging your food choices and you will 'make peace with food'.
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Lose Weight. Feel Great.
Last summer I took one of my friends who wanted to lose weight under my wing. We sat down together and configured a weight loss plan that would work just for her. This included exercise, calorie counting and a pretty strict diet. We took into consideration balancing her work life, two young (adorable!) kiddos, and all of the other demands of her life. I didn't sugar coat anything and she took on the challenge because she was ready to lose weight.
I'm going to stop right there and really belabor this point. If you're contemplating weight loss or maybe you've even started, make sure you know what to expect. Make sure that you really are ready and driven to lose weight. Being ready for change is a total mental thing. Weight loss actually is very simple. Consume less calories than what you burn throughout the day; create a deficit. What makes it so complicated is our mind. We feel deprived, we feel sore and tired. We just want to sit on the couch and rest. The scale isn't moving. We're too busy. Whatever your excuses may be you need to be ready to tell them to get out of your way. If you really want to lose weight and/or tone up you need to not only have a plan, you need to flood your mind and social media with reminders of why you want to lose weight. Also you need to have someone guiding you through this delicate process. Someone to support and encourage you. Remember, You want to feel better. You want to be healthier, for yourself and for your loved ones. You're sick of being tired and fatigued. You're sick of looking in the mirror and not being happy with what you see. Also don't be surprised if people try to sabotage your new behavior. They may try to get you to skip your work out, or come out for drinks, etc. Whatever it may be just know that it will happen and you need to be prepared with how you're going to respond. OK back to Jessica....
Jessica is down 30 pounds in this picture! She is already down another five pounds since this picture was taken. She feels great and continues to work towards her goal.
The picture above is Jessica, she is as of today down 35 pounds and, wait for it ..... still. losing. weight. The picture shown is her down 30 pounds. I am slow at blogging and since she sent me this picture she is down another five pounds. You go girl!
I am so proud of her. She is glowing and healthy. She met her goal and is now setting new ones. I am loving helping her with this journey.
I will never forget when we started talking about her weight loss plan and I told her she could NOT drink any calories. This meant black coffee only. She looked at me like I was crazy, but guess who drinks black coffee now? She does! And of course I do. Yes, I love specialty coffees once and awhile but everyday it is not necessary to dump a bunch of cream and sugar or whatever special holiday flavor is available in there. It ends up on your butt or thighs... I mean unless you want to work out another 30 minutes to burn that off. To me it's just not worth it. When you're losing weight there is no place for empty calories. When you are maintaining your weight you can and should definitely treat yourself once and awhile.
I have had so much fun helping her through this journey of finding wellness. I really enjoy helping people, who are ready for change. It really is special to watch someone finally meet their health goals and then set new ones. I definitely know it's important to take into account ones spiritual and emotional health too and with Jessica being my friend I have been able to help and support her in all of these areas. She helps me as well. I am truly blessed that God put her in my life.
If you're interested in weight loss, maintenance or maybe just feeling better overall when it comes to diet and exercise I would love to help you. Email me at
I invite you to follow me @livewellgr on instagram for some social media inspiration for healthy diet ideas, exercise and how they play into emotional, spiritual and physical health.