What is your daily routine and diet? The word “diet” simply means what we consume on a regular, daily, basis. Ones “diet” should never be a short-term deal. If the diet you are following is not something that you can continue for life, or you feel guilty about the food you're consuming on a regular basis, then it’s not a good one. PERIOD. This is why I am so against “dieting” because eventually everyone goes back to their old habits. And guess what happens then, the weight comes back on, and your health goes back down. You may even be someone that does not struggle with weight but if you aren't consuming healthy fruits and vegetables on a regular daily basis you will not feel healthy and this behaviour will catch up with you as you age.
So ask yourself these simple questions.
#1 Am I happy with my diet?
#2 Am I happy with my weight?
#3 Am I happy with my health?
#4 Do I get 7-13 servings of fruits and vegetables a day?
If you’ve answered "no" to any of the above questions then email me (amy@livewellgr.com). I can and want to help you get there!
All we need to focus on is one simple change at a time. I believe the key is to focus on one simple change until it becomes a habit. For example, drinking more water, or taking the stairs, or increasing your daily consumption of fruits and vegetabes, can be the spark that gets your health back on track. I am so passionate about wellness. Let me help you be your best self and learn to LIVE WELL and BE WELL. God gave us our bodies and it is our job to take the best care of them!