Exercise to me is necessary to my well being and for maintaining balance in my busy life. Not only do I feel better when I exercise, I accomplish more in less time and I sleep better. The most common excuse I encounter for not exercising is lack of time, which I as a wife, mom, to a 17 month old, and full-time physician assistant, completely understand. However if you read the second line of this post you will notice that it helps me do what? That's right, accomplish MORE in LESS time. Exercise is healthy not only for our heart and muscles but for our brain and productivity. We were created to move. How do we find the time to do it? We schedule it. We use a buddy system if we have to, a friend for example to keep us accountable. Who doesn't love going to meet a girlfriend for a long run or at hot yoga? And on the days we know we won't have time for these types of activities we hit the gym or do an exercise video at home for 30 minutes. There always is 30 minutes available in our day to work out, just get that ingrained into your brain right now. What there isn't always available is the hour it will take if we didn't plan ahead and now have to stop at home to get exercise clothes, etc. My advice is to try different forms of exercise, be creative and most importantly plan ahead. I am now 5 months pregnant and on my day off all I could fit in was Tracy Anderson's Pregnancy Project DVD while my son Ethan was napping, but it kicked my butt and I got my sweat on today. Did you?