Live Well GR was born out of my passion for good food, enjoyable exercise and sharing my love for living well.
I love amazing food. I enjoy exercising and taking care of my body. I think the key to finding your "healthiest-self" is balancing both of these things. I believe that we should eat to live, not live to eat, but yet LOVE what we do eat. When I meet with individuals to discuss diet and nutrition I almost always hear, "I know what to do, and what is good for me, I just don't do it." The truth I have found is that most people think they know what it means to eat healthy and take care of themselves and they associate it with feeling deprived and unhappy with their diet along with an associated hate for exercise. The goal of Live Well GR is to help individuals find a healthy diet they LOVE and an exercise routine they ENJOY so that they can live well.
Family Photos at Oval Beach photo by Kelly Braman Photography